Total Medals Earned: 84 (From
19 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 865 Points
Click on one of Dark Link's clones to find the Sign guy right behind them.
After the credits are over, Click on Zelda's eyes in the middle of the screen to see her complain about the episode.
When Blue talks about Dark Link, Click on the words "Dark Link" in the subtitles to see a deleted scene of the riot.
A nod to Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. Click on "When's the next one coming out?"
Secret scene about Green Link and his ocarina. Click on Green when he talks in Lonlon Ranch about what happened to him in the past.
Red Link is lost and with no easy way out. Click on Red Link when he mentions the Lost Woods.
The Super Cuccos of Lonlon Ranch. Click on Malon quickly when Cojiro exits the scene.
You used an ultra-powerful, double spin slash to decimate the bandit elf who deserved it!
The kitchen knife that you found has turned into the battle dagger! Shweet!
You used the Soul Bangle to send a powerful blast of blue energy at an unlucky bandit elf.
You stuck a dangerously sharp dagger into the fleshy face of an outclassed bandit elf... Nicely done.
Whoah... Don't you think that was a bit... uh, overkill? It was entertaining though.
Smash 100 Idols on the loading screen, because clicking randomly makes the game load faster.
Use a key to access new treasures, but you should have figured that out on your own.
Find a new special skill. You can find them in chests or get them from quests.
Eat a stat-boosting snack and boost your stats permanently. Protip: Don't give them all to one character.
Defeat 1,000 foes in total, and become a serious threat to the ecosystem.
Reach level 40. Well, if you don't have anything better to do, you might as well go even further.
Collect 280 treasure chests. There's more, but getting all of them could be frustrating.