Just a very beautiful piece of music. As I play a little piano myself, I can actually understand and feel the soft tone given off by the song. Masterfully done, I must say. I'll tell you one thing though: I think other instrumentation would ruin it....unless you gave it something more of a softer partner instrument (baritone saxophone---in other words, anything that is deeper sounding).
But to put this song to a real test, I listened to it twice. Once to just listen to it. I wanted to soak in the melody and wander off in the harmony (which, by the way, IS a little strange). I did so, and it worked lovely. Then, I decided to see if I can notice it while performing some other activity on the computer----reading an article or something of the sort. So while I was reading the article, I could notice it. I could still hear it speaking it mellifluous musical soul still speaking to me. Considering I can't really concentrate on more than one thing at a time, this was a huge accomplishment on your part.
Bravo, and if you do decide to make an instrumentation version of the song, I can only say: encore.
~Review Request Club~